Vulnerability management on autopilot
Motivates employees to install security updates using gamification and bite-size tasks.
Cybersec gets a bad rap, but it shouldn't. Cybersec is a treasure.

It feels great to build a useful app for helping millions of people to be more productive. Or a small script for a routine task. Or send an email to an old friend. That's how computers used to feel all the time.

But things changed.

You started getting stuff you didn't want from people you didn't know. You lost complete control over who can access files on your computer. You were forced to guard against all this malware, ransomware, infected Word docs. Sometimes even using public wifi can be dangerous for your laptop.

There are myriad tools with cryptic abbreviations to "unlock true security": AV, EDR, NGFW, WAF. More of them you use — less convenient is user experience, so employees become frustrated and start to sabotage security guidelines.

And Microsoft, Apple, Google, and all the others just let it happen.

Good news, the magic's still there. It's just obscured — buried under a mess of modern-day bad habits and neglect. It deserves a dust off. A renovation. Modernized for the way we use cybersec tools today.

With Mana, we've done just that. It's a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction of cybersec for busy people. A fresh start, the way it should be.

Mana is our love letter to security, and we're sending it to you. Try it in your company!
10x boost of patch management velocity
Mana automatically scans, reminds, and motivates employees to install software updates in time. It feels like a game, so your team will be waiting for each software update and install it within days, instead of postponing it for months.
Training your employees will love
We get it: installing updates is annoying. Mana offers interactive, tailor-made snack-size tasks your employees will actually enjoy and be proud of completing it.
Patch management on autopilot
It's our role to make sure everyone runs the latest software. You just sit back and relax, while Mana helps your team to update apps in-time.
More: mana mag
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